Malika Favre For Brummell Magazine 2014

A. Nemecek 'The Pigeons Of Luxembourg' For La Vie Parisienne 1916

Malika Favre 2012

От http://hoodoothatvoodoo.tumblr.com/
Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun Madame Perregaux 1789

Michel Garnier A Fashionably Dressed Young Woman in the Arcade of the Palais Royal 1787

Peter Paul Rubens The Straw Hat 1625

От http://masterpiecedaily.tumblr.com/
Swamp Creature by Bernie Wrightson, 1974

Concept art by Ray Harryhausen for Clash of the Titans (1981)

Chevrolet ad, Saturday Evening Post, Illustrated by Austin Briggs, June 1953

The Visitor by Bernie Wrightson, 1976

Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, The End of the Game of Cards, 1865

Frank Brunner

Original cover paintings by Pat Boyette from all nine issues of Korg: 70,000 B.C., a very underrated artist and series, published by Charlton Comics, May 1975 - November 1976.

"The Blue Tropics,” Fantastic Adventure, April 1940. Art by Frank R. Paul.

The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard. Illustration by Gary Gianni

Jungle Girl by Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1932. Cover art by Studley Burroughs

Bill Stout

Fairy Illustration from Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures, 1913

The Rocketeer: Official Movie Adaptation #1, 1991, cover by Dave Stevens

War of the Worlds, art by Tom Kidd

Telstar by The Ventures, 1963

Ivan the Terrible Visited by the Ghosts of Those He Murdered by Mikhail Klodt, 19th century

Émile Jean-Horace Vernet, Angel of Death,1851

От http://wonderful-strange.tumblr.com/
Fantastic Adventures / Illustration 5

Fantastic Adventures / Illustration 12

1955-Son of Sinbad


Ted (TJ) Kuck

От http://not.pulpcovers.com/