От http://thegoldenagesite.blogspot.ru/
Let’s take a trip together - Rafael Barletta
unhappy couple - Jim Schaeffing
Ludwig Alizon
Maurilio Manara
parking ticket - Arthur Sarnoff (1912 - 2000)
Maurilio Manara
Mort Künstler
biker chix - Bruce Minney (1928 - 2013)
Robert O. Reid (1921-2009)
Arthur Crouch (1919-2011)
Lynn Buckham (1918 - 1982)
Help - Jon Whitcomb (1906–1988)
От http://startwithsunset.tumblr.com/
Boulevard des Capucines - Claude Monet 1873
Spring, High Water - Isaac Levitan 19th century
Illustration by Warwick Goble
Little Red Riding Hood - Gottlieb Theodor Kempf Von Hartenkampf
Roman Orgy - Vasily Kotarbinsky
The Brig Mercury in Moonlight - Ivan Aivazovsky 1874
Path in the Orchard - Michele Cascella ~1983
The Gunsmith Shop - Edgar Melville Ward
От http://fleurdulys.tumblr.com/