Le Vallon Alfred Sisley - 1895

Larisa Aukon, Rooftops

Evening (also known as Barns) Sergei Arsenevich Vinogradov - 1900

Birch Trees in the New Garden Philipp Franck - 1937

Trees Charles Burchfield - 1917

BERG, Yngve (1887-1963)/ Winter Roofs 1942

Jan Harm Weijns (1864-1945) ‘Winter te Hattem’

Girls among olive trees Henri Lebasque - 1906

От http://bofransson.tumblr.com/
Vincenzo Foppa, Saint Sebastian, c. 1489

Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli, Portrait of an Antiquarian, 16th century

От http://necspenecmetu.tumblr.com/
Japan Tourist Kasho Museum

От http://labelleotero.tumblr.com/
Art by Frank C. Pape - “The Destruction Of Doubting Castle”

Edmund Dulac: illustration from Bluebeard

Guillaume de Tignonville, Les dits moraulx des philosophes, France ca. 1473

Четыре аллегории: Пруденс (или тщеславия) грн. 1490 Дерево, масло, 34 х 22 см Галерея Академии, Венеция Джованни Беллини

Art by Speed Lancelot (1912) - “The Lady Of The Lake”

Art by Arthur Rackham (1911) from SIEGFRIED AND THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS

from: Petrarch’s “Les Triomphes, traduction rouennaise anonyme, avec le commentaire de Bernardo Lapini”, f. 135r, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Français 594

Antoine Caron (attr) Allegorie des Krieges

Arthur Hacker, The Sea Maiden

Woman protecting a unicorn from a hunter Flore de virtue de costumi (Flowers of Virtue & of Custom) BL Harley MS 3448

DORIGNY, Луи Галатея Холст, масло, лег на борт, 146 х 118 см Частная коллекция

От http://nataliakoptseva.tumblr.com/
Vintage Comic - Crime Exposed #01

1989 - Punisher: Return to Big Nothing hardbound cover. Scan of the original painting by Mike Zeck

SILVER SURFER #1 by Mike Allred and Laura Allred

От http://themarvelageofcomics.tumblr.com/
Clifftop Walk at Pourville ~ Claude Monet

Grainstack, Impression in Pinks and Blues ~ Claude Monet

Houses in the Snow, Norway Claude Monet

Banks of the Seine at Jenfosse, Clear Weather ~ Claude Monet

Grainstacks ~ Claude Monet

От http://theartgeeks.tumblr.com/
Otto Dix, Nelly Among Flowers, 1924

От http://lapitiedangereuse.tumblr.com/
Lady and the Swan by Arthur Sarnoff

Keith Parkinson cover art for Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman’s Dragon Wing, 1990
Ray Harryhausen concept art for Jason and the Argonauts, 1963

"…as Daphne was, root-bound, that fled Apollo" Arthur Rackham illustration from John Milton’s Comus, 1921

Jeanne d’Arc and the Archangel Michael by Eugène Romain Thirion, 1876

The River of Time (The Princeton Tiger) by Charles R. Knight, 1923

‘Someday I Wish You Would Buy Me Something I Can Wear Out in Public’Don Lewis

От http://brudesworld.tumblr.com/