Jacek Yerka - Mind Fields Under the Landscape

Cadmus Slays the Dragon Hendrick Goltzius, (1558–1617)

Scott Kahn - April in Old Lyme

Thomas Cole - St. John in the Wilderness,1827, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art City,Hartford, CT

От http://endlessquestion.tumblr.com/
Georg Lemberger, Illustration for The September Testament (Das Newe Testament Deutzsch), ca. 1522

Second Story Sunlight ~ Edward Hopper

От http://nataliakoptseva.tumblr.com/
Illustration by Georges Leonnec For La Vie Parisienne 1935

Harper’s Bazaar 1933 Cover art by Erte

От http://hoodoothatvoodoo.tumblr.com/
Banks of the Seine at Lavacourt - Claude Monet, 1878

Christmas Eve along the Hudson with the Palisades across the River Samuel S. Carr c. 19th century

От http://urgetocreate.tumblr.com/
And ye that on the sands, with printless foot do chase the ebbing Neptune.- Edmund Dulac

Ray Caesar, Tea With Me and Him

От http://campsis.tumblr.com/
Viktor Popkov (Ru. 1932-1974), At the weekend, 1958, linogravure couleur sur papier

Otakar Kubín (Othon Coubine) (Czech, 1883-1969), Portrait of the senator Alcime Renaudot, 1918

Martiros Saryan - Mount Aragats, 1925

От http://blastedheath.tumblr.com/
Happy Holidays from Lauren Rolwing

От http://illustratedladies.tumblr.com/
Vincent van Gogh, Marsh with Water Lillies,1881

От http://tierradentro.tumblr.com/
William Adolphe Bouguereau Marchande de grenades, 1875

George Dunlop Leslie’s The Goldfish Seller

От http://laclefdescoeurs.tumblr.com/
William Glackens, Descending from the Bus, 1910

William James Glackens, Girl Roller Skating Washington Square, c1912-14

От http://alongtimealone.tumblr.com/
Three Women

Come One — Come All

От http://pulpcovers.com/
Old Father Christmas by William Ewart Lockhart Collection: Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow

“Jael and Sisera”, from Speculum Humanae Salvationis, Westphalen, c.1360

От http://centuriespast.tumblr.com/
The Court of King Arthur - Noel Laura Nisbet 20th century

От http://fleurdulys.tumblr.com/
Distant Thoughts. Pino Daeni (Italian, 1939-2010)

От http://books0977.tumblr.com/
Anatomical illustration showing the veins. England; late 13th century

От http://blancefleur.tumblr.com/
View of Mt. Fuji from Satta Point Woodblock Hiroshige (1797-1858)

От http://lilacsinthedooryard.tumblr.com/
Surge and Moonstar in The Sun Also Sets, art by David Lafuente and Christina Strain, story by C.B. Cebulski (from X-Men: Divided We Stand)

От http://comicblah.tumblr.com/
Some sketchbook practice. Trying to see how my style would look with more realistic features. Reference used, of course. Now, to the batcave. By Siames Escalante

От http://felixinclusis.tumblr.com/
Philippe Swyncop - Portrait de Dame Espagnole, Grenoble 1928

От http://belgianpaintings.tumblr.com/
Claus Bergen - *Rio de la Plata* by Karl May

От http://www.pierangelo-boog.com/