chetvergvecher (chetvergvecher) wrote,

Зарубежный иллюстратор детской книги

Надо прямо сказать, что не только отечественного происхождения, но и местные (а также даже и из других стран) художники – иллюстраторы детских книг – иногда встречаются в Америке, и довольно часто. Для России в американской детской книге я уже специальное место в своём журнале выделил, надо теперь подумать и о прочем. А то вот, допустим, у Gary Kelley 27 золотых и серебряных медали нью-йоркского Общества Иллюстраторов, и разве можно теперь позволить ему бесславно утонуть в глубине моего журнала? Так что всё теперь – буду тут любого иностранного художника хранить и систематизировать. И сбоку в своём журнале этот список прикреплю для сохранности.

Если кто-то вдруг почему-то заинтересуется моим мнением, то я так скажу - читатель, обрати внимание, если говорить не о практически всем широко известных и классических уже иллюстраторах, то на такие имена: Dan Andreasen, Rocco Baviera, D. Brent Burkett, Emma Chichester Clark, Chihiro Iwasaki, Laurel Long, Yan Nascimbene, Sophy Williams.
Ещё про любимое - тут.

Список, если кто не сразу догадался, - в алфавитном порядке.

Kei Acedera

Lauren Oliver “Liesl & Po”

R. W. Alley

Майкл Бонд «Медвежонок Паддингтон и Рождество»

Wayne Anderson

Christopher Logue “Ratsmagic”

Dan Andreasen

Stephen Krensky “Too Many Leprechauns”

Verla Kay “Tattered Sails”

Jean Van Leeuwen “Touch the Sky Summer”

“Highlights for Children”, March 2006

Devin Asch

Frank Asch “Mr. Maxwell’s Mouse”

Esther Averill

“The School for Cats”

Angela Barrett

Max Eilenberg “Beauty and the Beast”

Hans Christian Andersen “The Emperor’s New Clothes”

Rocco Baviera

Kathryn Lasky “First Painter”

Harry Bliss

Doreen Cronin “Diary of a Worm”

Tom Bower

Arthur Ransome “Little Daughter of Snow”

Andrew Breakspeare

“Russian Folk-tales” – Retold by James Riordan (начало)
“Russian Folk-tales” – Retold by James Riordan (продолжение)
“Russian Folk-tales” – Retold by James Riordan (окончание)


Oscar Wilde

Marcia Brown

Blaise Cendrars “Shadow”

Anthony Browne

“Willy’s Pictures”

Brigitte Bryan

“The Beggar in the Blanket” – Retold by Gail B. Graham

D. Brent Burkett

Lloyd Alexander “Dream-of-Jade: The Emperor’s Cat”

Emma Chichester Clark

Rosemary Sutcliff “The Minstrel and the Dragon Pup”

Frédéric Clément

Claude Clément “The Voice of the Wood”

Arthur A. Levine “The Boy Who Drew Cats”

Russell Freedman “Confucius: The Golden Rule”

Raúl Сolón

Robert D. San Souci “A Weave of Words”

Pat Mora “Doña Flor”

Patricia Coombs

Alice Schertle “Bill and the Google-Eyed Goblins”

Barbara Cooney

“The Donkey Prince” – Retold by M. Jean Craig

“Hattie and the Wild Waves”

“Louhi Witch of North Farm” – Retold by Tony De Gerez

Mary Lyn Ray “Basket Moon”

Jane Yolen “Letting Swift River Go”

“Miss Rumphius”

“Chanticleer and the Fox”

Helen Cowcher


Carolyn Croll

“The Little Snowgirl”

David Danioth

Dana Lyons “The Tree”


“The Firebird”

"The Hungry Coat"

Ann Tompert “Bomboo Hats and a Rice Cake”

“The Donkey and the Rock”

“The Artist and the Architect”

Gerald McDermott

“Anansi the Spider”

Julie Downing

Ursula K. Le Guin “A Ride on the Red Mares’s Back”

Allan Eitzen

“Highlights for children”, April 2006

Mike Esberg

Cheryl Hawkinson “Snow What Fun!”

Henry J. Ford

“Tales from the Arabian Nights” – Edited by Andrew Lang

David Galchutt

“Highlights for Children”, March 2006

Ivan Gantschev

Kurt Baumann “The Three Kings”

Gail Gibbons

“The Moon Book”

Diane Goode

“Rumpty-Dudget’s Tower”

Lloyd Alexander “The House Gobbaleen”

Emoeke de Papp Severo “The Good-Hearted Youngest Brother”

“Tiger Trouble!”

“The Diane Goode Book of American Folk Tales & Songs” (начало)
“The Diane Goode Book of American Folk Tales & Songs” (окончание)

Melvyn Grant

Terry Pratchett “Where’s My Cow?”

Brett Helquist

Neil Gaiman “Odd and the Frost Giants”

Kevin Henkes

“Kitten’s First Full Moon”

“Sheila Rae, the Brave”

Will Hillenbrand

Mirra Ginsburg “The King Who Tried to Fry an Egg on His Head”

Holling Clancy Holling

“Seabird” (начало)
“Seabird” (окончание)

Miles Hyman


Trina Schart Hyman

Howard Pyle “King Stork”

Howard Pyle “Bearskin”

“Swan Lake” – Told by Margot Fonteyn

Norma Farber “How Does It Feel To Be Old?”

Katrin Tchana “The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women”

“Little Red Riding Hood” by the Brothers Grimm

“Saint George and the Dragon” – Retold by Margaret Hodges

“A Child’s Calendar” – Poems by John Updike

Satomi Ichikawa

Patricia Lee Gauch “Tanya and Emily in a Dance for Two”

Roberto Innocenti

Roberto Innocenti, Christophe Gallaz “Rose Blanche”

Charles Dickens “Cristmas Carol”

“The Adventures of Pinocchio” – Carlo Collodi & Roberto Innocenti (начало)
“The Adventures of Pinocchio” – Carlo Collodi & Roberto Innocenti (продолжение)
“The Adventures of Pinocchio” – Carlo Collodi & Roberto Innocenti (окончание)

Chihiro Iwasaki

Hans Christian Andersen “The Red Shoes”

Miyoko Matsutani “The Crane Maiden”

Richard Johnson

Saviour Pirotta “Around the World in 80 Tales”

Gary Kelley

Washington Irving “Rip Van Winkle”

Rockwell Kent

«Исландские саги. Ирландский эпос»

Katya Krenina

"A Cloak for the Moon" – Retold by Eric A. Kimmel

“The Castle of the Cats” – Retold by Eric A. Kimmel

“The Bird’s Gift” – Retold by Eric A. Kimmel

Eric A.Kimmel “The Magic Dreidels”

Hilary Knight

Kay Thompson’s “Eloise in Moscow” (1), Kay Thompson’s “Eloise in Moscow” (2)

Deborah Nourse Lattimore

Jana Dillon “Sasha’s Matrioshka Dolls”

Edward Lear

“Complete Nonsense”

Alan Lee

Joan Aiken “The Moon’s Revenge”

Anita Lobel

“Princess Furball” – Retold by Charlotte Huck

“The Dwarf Giant”

Laurel Long

Lynn Cullen “The Mightiest Heart”


E.Nesbit “Melisande”

Oscar Wilde “Stories For Children”

“East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon”

David Macaulay


Jane Maday

Bob Keeshan “Itty Bitty Kitty”

Gregory Manchess

Stuart Waldman “Magellan’s World”

Giovanni Manna

John Matthews “The Barefoot Book of Knights”

Fred Marcellino

Natalie Babbit “Ouch!”

“Puss in Boots” – A Tale by Charles Perrault

Обложки книг

Charles Mikolaycak

Sergei Prokofiev “Peter and the Wolf”

Eric A. Kimmel “Bearhead”


Selma Lagerlőf “The Legend of the Christmas Rose”

“The Pretzel Hero” – A story of old Vienna by Barbara Rinkoff

“The Rumor of Pavel and Paali”, Adopted by Carole Kismaric

Zilpha Keatley Snyder “The Changing Maze”

Wiley Miller

“The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Basil”

Inga Moore

Kenneth Grahame “The Reluctant Dragon”

Barry Moser

Anton Chekhov “Kashtanka”

Sal Murdocca

Mary Pope Osborn “A Good Night for Ghosts”

Mary Pope Osborn “Leprechaun in Late Winter”

Yan Nascimbene

Bernard Clavel “Castle of Books”

Alexi Natchev

Judit Z. Bodnár “A Wagonload of Fish”

Robert D. San Souci “The Hobyahs”

Edward Myers “Forri the Baker”

Brian Jacques “The Tale of Urso Brunov. Little Father of All Bears”

Wally Neibart

“Highlights for children”, April 2006

Jan Nesbitt

Margaret Mahy “A Tall Story and Other Tales” (начало)
Margaret Mahy “A Tall Story and Other Tales” (продолжение)
Margaret Mahy “A Tall Story and Other Tales” (окончание)

Evaline Ness

“Sam, Bangs & Moonshine”

Clare Turlay Newberry



Arthur Conan Doyle "The Hound of the Baskervilles"

Helen Oxenbury

Eugene Trivizas “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig”

Rui Paes

Madonna “Lotsa de Casha”

Marcus Pfister

“The Rainbow Fish”

François Place

Robert Louis Stevenson “Treasure Island”

Patricia Polacco

“Babushka Baba Yaga”

“Uncle Vova’s Tree”

“Babushka’s Doll”

Stephane Poulin

Mary Jo Collier & Peter Collier “The King’s Giraffe”

Elise Primavera

Jerdine Nolen “Raising Dragons”

Jame’s Prunier

Jules Verne “Around the World in Eighty Days”

Ted Rand

Jack Prelutsky “If Not for the Cat”

Chris Riddell

«Император Абсурдии»

John Rocco

Katherine Paterson & John Paterson “The Flint Heart”

Robert Sauber

“I-Know-Not-What, I-Know-Not-Where” – Adapted by Eric A. Kimmel

Brian Selznik

“The Invention of Hugo Cabret”


Maurice Sendak

Wilhelm Grimm “Dear Mili”

Maurice Sendak “Where the Wild Things Are”

Аксель Шеффлер

Джулия Дональдсон «Улитка и Кит»

Symeon Shimin

Jean Craighead George “The Wentletrap Trap”

Uri Shulevitz

“The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship”

Nicolas Sidjakov

Ruth Robbins “Baboushka and the Three Kings”

Shel Silverstein

“Falling Up”

Peter Sis

“The Three Golden Keys”

Louis Slobodkin

Eleanor Estes “The Moffats”

Esphyr Slobodkina

Margaret Wise Brown “Sleepy ABC”

“The Wonderful Feast”

“Circus Caps for Sale”

Roby Snyder

“Highlights for children”, April 2006

Bill Sokol

Lloyd Alexander “Time Cat”

Diane Stanley

"The Month-Brothers" – Retold by Samuel Marshak

James Stevenson

Jack Prelutsky “A Pizza the Size of the Sun”

Shaun Tan

“The Lost Thing”

Mark Teague

Anne Isaacs “Pancakes for Supper!”

Jerry Tiritilli

David Kirschner & Ernie Сontreras “The Pagemaster”

Chris Van Allsburg

“The Polar Express”

Garth Williams

Laura Ingalls Wilder “Farmer Boy”

George Seldon “Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse”

George Selden “The Cricket at Times Square”

Sophy Williams

Philip Pullman “Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp”

Amy Wummer

“Highlights for Children”, March 2006

“Highlights for children”, April 2006


Daniel Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

Robert Louis Stevenson “Treasure Island”

Yoshi (Yoshi Kogo)

Andrew Clements “Big Al”

Ed Young

“Lon Po Po”

“The Hunter” – Retold by Mary Casanova

Laura Krauss Melmed “The First Song Ever Sung”

“The Lost Horse”

Ruth Yaffe Radin “High in the Mountains”

Nancy White Carlstrom “Goodbye Geese”

Isaac Olaleye “Bitter Bananas”

Oscar Wilde “The Happy Prince”

“Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China” – Retold by Ai-Ling Louie

Lafcadio Hearn “The Voice of the Great Bell”

“What about me?”

“Red Thread”

Jane Yolen “The Seventh Mandarin”

“Cat and Rat. The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac”

Ludmila Zeman

“Sindbad. From the Tales of the Thousand and One Nights”

Paul O. Zelinsky


Diana Zourelias

“Highlights for Children”, March 2006

Lisbeth Zwerger

O.Henry “The Gift of the Magi”

Theodor Storm “Little Hobbin”

Oscar Wilde “The Selfish Giant”

L. Frank Baum “The Wizard of Oz”

Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales

“Little Red Cap” by Brothers Grimm

Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

Н.Нобилеску, Г.Зарафу

«Приключения маленького щенка» (начало)
«Приключения маленького щенка» (окончание)

Иван Димов

Николай Марангозов «Пора весенняя»

Николай Стоянов

«Мир в картинках»


Льюис Кэрролл «Алиса в Стране Чудес. Сквозь зеркало, и Что там увидела Алиса»

Штефан Цпин

Божена Немцова «Серебряная книга сказок» (начало)
Божена Немцова «Серебряная книга сказок» (окончание)

Неизвестный иллюстратор

Henry Gilbert “Robin Hood”

Жюль Верн «80000 километров под водой» (часть1)
Жюль Верн «80000 километров под водой» (часть2)

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