От http://thegoldenagesite.blogspot.ru/
British Library, Add MS 47682, detail of f. 34r. Bible (the ‘Holkham Bible Picture Book’) c. 1327-1335

Book of Hours, use of Rome. 16th century

1910 Egon Schiele La Mère et l'Enfant

The Effect of Snow, Sunset, Eragny, 1895 ~ Camille Pissarro

Fall of Lucifer and the rebel angels. Offices for the week, compiled by Andrea Matteo Acquaviva. Southern Italy, 1519

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) - La Toilette

Albrecht Durer The death of Orpheus

François Desprez - Recueil de la diversité des habits 1564

1497-1498 Albrecht Durer Apocalypse St. John the Evangelist eats a book

Toilette; Frau vor Spiegel Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - 1913-1920

1375-1450 Christine de Pisan dans son étude et construction de la cité des dames enluminure la cité des dames de très de Christine de Pisan 0,12x 0,18 cm

Illuminated elephants on parade. 1. From a herbal, Italy (Lombardy), c. 1440 2. From a bestiary, England, between 1236 and c. 1250 (he looks so scared, poor soul)

Lunia Czechovska, 1919 Amedeo Modigliani

George Mallord William Turner

От http://nataliakoptseva.tumblr.com/
the cover to Alpha Flight #65 by Marc Siry and Jim Lee

Lilith by Bruce Timm

1989 - Punisher War Journal #5 By Carl Potts, Jim Lee, and Scott Williams

Lady Sif by Bruce Timm

Mary Jane by Bruce Timm Original: Amazing Spider-Man #42 (November 1966) Art by John Romita, story by Stan Lee

Captain America and Bucky by Darwyn Cooke

Emma Frost by Bruce Timm

Invisible Woman by Bruce Timm

«Valentina Allegra de Fontaine vs. Madame Hydra» by Bruce Timm

the cover to Devil Dinosaur #1 by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer

unused Howard The Duck movie poster by Drew Struzan

Original Art - Amazing Spider-Man #271 (1985) Cover by Ron Frenz And John Romita Sr.

the cover to Wizard #81 by Jose Ladrönn

От http://themarvelageofcomics.tumblr.com/