От http://not.pulpcovers.com/
Wallace Seawell ‘Juliet Prowse’ 1960s

От http://hoodoothatvoodoo.tumblr.com/
Mae Murray

От http://fawnvelveteen.tumblr.com/
It’s #FemmeFataleFriday again! That’s right! Another day celebrating our fave ladies in this dark and shadowy landscape that we love to dwell in! Today’s selection? Jane Greer in one of the best-loved films noir to ever have been shot. #FemmeFataleFriday salutes Jane Greer as Kathie Moffat in OUT OF THE PAST (Jacques Tourneur, 1947): the quintessential femme fatale in the quintessential film noir. Greer’s acting talent is showcased perfectly in her role as Kathie. Greer expertly plays innocent just as easily as she makes the reveal of her secret self as part of the film’s narrative. In this, she solidifies that femme fatale nature. In director Jacques Tourneur’s masterwork, the past catches up with Jeff Bailey with the arrival of a sinister stranger to his small town gas station. Jeff tells his girlfriend Ann the truth about his previous life. Gangster Whit Sterling hired Jeff to find his lover Kathie. She has allegedly stolen $40,000 from Whit and he wants both her and the dough back. Unwisely, Jeff falls for Kathie who portrays herself as an innocuous victim of a romantically obsessed Whit. As in all good noirs, nothing is really as it seems. Robert Mitchum imbues Jeff with his iconic somnolent cynicism and Kirk Douglas’ characteristically brash intensity as Whit makes for a strong counterpoint. Virginia Huston brings warmth and complexity to her potentially thankless role of good girl Ann. Keep your eyes peeled for future noir siren Rhonda Fleming as a duplicitous secretary!

От http://alexsegura.tumblr.com/
Elizabeth Taylor, 1953

От http://fybombshells.tumblr.com/
Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel for US Vogue December 1996

От http://labelleotero.tumblr.com/
michael caine and bob hoskins at raymonds revue bar by terry o’neill, 1985

От http://20th-century-man.tumblr.com/

От http://theswinginsixties.tumblr.com/