От http://lapitiedangereuse.tumblr.com/
Jane Russell What a fucking amazing photo. I want to be her in this photo. To use overused adjectives, badass and hot and rocking it

От http://greatgdean.tumblr.com/
A 16 year old Sharon tate wins the miss richland

От http://vintagechampagnefever.tumblr.com/
Louis Aragon

От http://lapitiedangereuse.tumblr.com/
Barbara stanwyck

От http://vintagechampagnefever.tumblr.com/
Barbra Streisand photographed by Richard Avedon, 1966

От http://theswinginsixties.tumblr.com/
Marilyn Monroe waiting to begin her first shoot with Milton Greene, 1953

От http://notverygreen.tumblr.com/
Sophia Loren, 1966

От http://hollyhocksandtulips.tumblr.com/